Download mq client 8 for windows

Description > Download mq client 8 for windows

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The postcard app is fownload without source code. The Java postcard app inter-communicates with the binary postcard app. I have produced a postcard app in C that interoperates with both. It'swithin a Visual Studio project. There is even documentation for this class library. The postcard app Cliejt mentioned above, shows some of the above. This was, as I understand it, basically a conversion of the Java downlkad library into Cusing the that Microsoft had released. Kind of a skunkworks project. They started with Kolban's work and made it real. This eventually was delivered as supportpac ma7p. A minor digression: Supportpac is a funny term. I have tried to telnet into the mq server and was able to do so. I have verified the channel name and the Que manager name and they are correct as well. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

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